Thursday, January 1, 2015

What my students taught me in 2014.

Sometimes, I don’t think you’re fully aware of how much you teach me everyday, and how much you inspire my growth and curiosity. You make my life so rich and my world so big.

So, off the top of my head, with my first breakfast of 2015, here’s a list of some awesome things you brought into my life in 2014. If I listed everything you brought me, I’d be here until my first breakfast of 2016. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Top 20  What you taught me and what you gave.

1. You can direct the position of a baby in the womb through movement and other fun directorial prompts. This is choreography in utero.

2. Holding space for you to share yourselves in a generous and vulnerable way. If that means 30 minutes of talk followed by 30 minutes of movement, so be it. Better 30 minutes of mentally focused, emotionally positive movement than 1 hour of mentally distracted, emotionally agitated movement. Physical, mental, emotional congruence!

3. Thank you to my students who are actors, Butoh dancers, and fashion models for helping me to reimagine the psoas/diaphragm relationship in movement and performance.

4. Round ligament. Whoa.

5. Helping me further implement the role imagination plays in bridging the gap between possibility and actualization. Just because we can’t see what’s beyond the horizon doesn’t mean it’s not there. Imagination is a fundamental part in creating change.

6. Supporting me in my spontaneity and love of off-roading.

7. Surfing. The comeback.

8. Lack of energy/depletion does not come from excessive giving; it comes from too much holding back and resisting.

9. The walking meditation, Buddhist meditation, TM.

10. Some words (and food and customs) in Spanish, Hebrew, Polish, Portuguese, Dutch and Japanese.

11. Introducing me to Miami, Oslo, Amsterdam, Maine, new places in my hood (NYC), and my hometown (LA).

12. Patience, trust, non-judgment, non-attachment-- everyday. Inspire instead of command.

13. This was the year of the feet, the breath, and myofascial release.

14. The deepening of my education about Scoliosis, Parkinson’s disease, and all things natal.

15. Inviting me into your worlds of publishing, music, fashion, medicine, art, and therapy. You are fascinating.

16. Reading tarot cards

17. How to write a business plan and have it be part of the creative process. Holding my hand through this adventure.

18. The gossip, the hook-ups, and the swag. Introductions to more amazing people.

19. Tears of laughter. Humbling me with your courage and commitment.

20. Poodles (you all have them. I love them all. And now I am obsessed.)

Much love to you all. Happy New Year!

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