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A Bacchanal by Sebastiano Ricci |
I have two titles because, honestly, who’s going to read an
astrology article with a title that reads like the heading of a financial
statement. Bo-ring! However, this full moon is anything but dull. In fact it’s
quite yummy. If you have the chance to enjoy good food, drink, music, art, sex,
dancing, or shopping for luxury goods this weekend could not be better. AND it’s
a good time to do a CBA…
But because we’re talking about a full moon in Taurus
opposite the sun in Scorpio we are talking about assets and investments of the
financial, energetic, and sexual kind primarily. We are talking about the
circulation of resources. We are talking about giving up to gain. And because
Taurus is the star of the show we’re also talking about the pleasure principle.
Luxe. Luxury. Luxuriate. Luxurious. Luxuriant. What do these
words mean to you? Expensive? Of the highest quality? Waste? Excess? Abundance?
Obscenity? Extravagance? Comfort?
The thing about Taurus and luxury is that it can go all of
these ways at different times for different people. This full moon is one to
bask in. It supports slowing down so you can feel every inch of your body, and
just BE in it. Right now. In a “right now” that stretches out across the bed,
the floor, the tub, the couch. A “right now” that stretches time. Free from any
goal, expectation or story about what it means or should mean…
Wait wait wait! Who has time for this?! Must be
nice to have no job, family, social obligations, personal goals, professional
obligations, deadlines, and an endless supply of resources to do all of this
unbound feeling with no productivity!
Which brings us back to the questions that Taurus asks: “what is it to be luxurious?” and “why do we need it?” Because we DO need it.
Ironically, when we float into luxurious places of pleasure
we sometimes chastise ourselves for wasting time and for squandering finite
resources. But it takes these moments of sensuality to tune into to what is
essential to our being. It takes these moments of being to tune into exactly
what we need to be fed. No more. No less. Just what's needed. And when we take this time we often
realize how little we need because we give ourselves the chance to actually experience
what we have with appreciation; explore it in its totality. Every corner, every
facet. This is how we come to know what we value. When we’re clear on our
values—feel them in our bones—it’s easy to let go and open ourselves up to
loss, which paradoxically is the only way to open ourselves up to gain.
Which brings us to this moon’s relationship with the current
Scorpio sun. We can’t talk about the moon or Taurus without talking about
feeding; which is what occurs at every full moon. The sun feeds the moon
light. Put another way, the conscious/ego/personality
(sun) shines a light on the unconscious emotional body (moon). The Scorpio sun
is shining an unsparing light on what you have. Now is the time to feel, taste,
and place value on what you have, linger there, and own it. Even when we are at
are most depleted we always possess SOMETHING. Even if it’s just the fact that
we’re still alive. If you’re down to your last bit of something, now is the time
to take full ownership of that something and move through the world as someone
who is resource-full.
When we feel pleasure with our senses and are in full
possession of what we have we are able to withstand the stories about
having-not, and the illusions that there is not enough. These fear stories, and
scarcity illusions keep us moving through the world in a state of hunger and
lack when the luxurious truth is we have everything we need. The question is do
we value it? Careful with that question. Sometimes Taurus mistakes hoarding for
valuing. On its worst days Taurus can hold on so tight to what makes it
comfortable and what’s pleasing that it stagnates. Comfort turns into inertia
and it can’t get off the couch. That's not valuing, it's clinging and laziness. I always characterize laziness as fear's favorite costume.
Venus, the ruler of this full moon exactly opposes Uranus at
this time. Uranus also opposed the last Libra new moon. Expect a continuation
of themes involving new ways to do relationship and new insights into what we
value. Some of these may be extremely novel or unexpected. Uranus aims to shock
us out of outmoded ways of dealing with each other and ourselves.
What’s right beneath your nose, in plain sight? What can you feel with your skin? That’s real. Taurus is not a sign of ideas, intuition, or emotion.
If you can touch it, count it as yours, and don’t take it for granted…another
reason we sometimes feel hungry when we’re not is that we don’t RECOGNIZE
something as valuable and care for it appropriately.
If Taurus is what we have and hold, the sun across the way
in Scorpio is what we need from others and the price of that. Letting go of some
of what we have in an exchange is needed if we are to change and and grow. When we perpetually live with our eyes on some prize that's not yet in our grasp we
can enter a state of perpetual need where we never feel like we have enough and
therefore are overly afraid of loss.
Use this full moon to revel in and care for all you have so you can
happily give yourself away in the name movement, change, growth and gain.
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