Thursday, April 6, 2017

Howling at the full moon Libra. 4/11/17 Call and response.

A fortnight ago the new moon in Aries made a call. How does this Libra full moon respond?

The lunar cycle is a call and response dialogue. The new moon puts something out there, the full moon replies. Sometimes a lack of reply is your reply. Sometimes your action is a choice to refrain from action. All forms of conversation are valid; some are more productive than others at different times. But, the tides turn on the regular. Our environment has a natural rhythm, and is in constant conversation with itself and everything in it, including you. There’s information in these interactions if you choose to participate.

Full moons are culminations. They illuminate, reveal, and sometimes give answers.

There are no “good” or “bad” answers in astrology. Just, “try again,”  “this needs more work, more time,” “change course,” or “congrats, here’s what you earned,”  “lesson learned, proceed to next experience.”

This Libra lunation is all about the transformative journey Venus (ruler of Libra) has been on since March 4th (its station retrograde). Libra is Venus’ intellectual side (Taurus is Venus’ body). Libra rules the concepts of partnership, relationship, transactions, agreements, aesthetics, and decorum. Libra teaches us about give and take, balance, and harmony-- especially about the balance between call and response. The Aries-Libra axis is highlighted for the next 2 weeks, and will show where you’ve been “all call” or “all response.”

As mentioned in the last post, (it's a very retro time, so let's backtrack) I’m Aries through and through. Throughout my childhood up until college I’ve always had a Libra best friend, then it became all about Pisces, but that’s another story. Those close relationships had an Aries- Libra tension. Those of you who do a lot of work with me (my work is all about relationship and conversation…counseling, teaching, consulting) never believe how much Aries I have in my chart. I’ve built a couple of businesses based on my reputation for being rational and measured. Who do you think taught me how to balance?

All those Libra girls in my formative years taught me something about integration. All the times I got my wrists slapped for being crude, provocative, and contrary woke me up to the fact that if I want all the good that comes from collaboration, I’m going to have to check myself.  Oh, I’m still a disruptive motherfucker, and when I go unconscious, the instinct to dominate kicks in. But, I feel better equipped to choose when Aries is appropriate, and when I do choose it, to work it consciously. Again, finding the BALANCE between the two is key. Let’s take food for example: if its too processed, it goes down easy and tastes good, but all the nutrients and anything real gets refined to death. Conversely, if you don’t process some food, at least a little, no one will eat it.

Thank you Libra, for teaching me to cultivate.

Not that Libra is all roses. Here is a typical tiff (written from much experience) between Libra and Aries:

Libra: You’re just causing discord, for the sake of excitement. You’re always trying to prove how different you are.

Aries: Well it’s better than being a superficial phony.

Libra: Just because I actually care about someone other than myself, and want to make things pleasant?  That doesn’t make me shallow. At least people like me!

Aries: They only like you because you tell them what they want to hear. You’re too wishy-washy to take a stance on anything. People need to be challenged!

Libra: I’m not talking to you until you can behave like a civilized adult and show some respect. You’re being ugly.

Aries: PLEASE argue with me. This was just getting interesting.

--And scene--

Venus retro through Pisces (Venus exaltation), Aries (Mars) new moon, Libra/Aries (Venus/Mars) full moon, Venus conjunct Chiron in Pisces square Saturn, Mercury retro through Taurus/Aries (Venus/Mars rulership)…this spring is all about Venus on the therapist’s couch. Yes. We are still dealing with Venus-Mars issues as per last post.

This is an intense (not necessarily unpleasant) evaluation of who we need to be in relationship to others. The lessons, epiphanies, and urges to implement change are coming fast and furious. But, you don’t need to DO anything fast and furious right now. Best way to use this time is to take notes. Lots of planets are shifting into retro this spring. April is a good time for organizing the intel with your journal or your therapist. Keep the back-and-forth going.

And yeah yeah yeah, there is a Mercury retrograde in the mix. I did not forget. It’s just a contributor to this deep meditation on Venus and Aries. Some astrologers do attribute money to Venus’ influence. To put a finer point on it, I like to think of Venus as ruling commerce; the exchange, the trade, the deal. Not an awesome time for those things. Judgment is off and very subjective. Research now; conduct your transactions in May.

Kind of frustrating right now. We’re getting lots of cues to GO, but Venus needs you stop for moment. We’re not QUITE done sorting ourselves out yet. Keep asking the questions. They’ll be answered.

Quick look at Cory’s notes 4/11-4/25:

Full moon Libra conjunct Jupiter retro (This a big feeling aspect. Enjoy! Brimming with love for all mankind! Woohoo! Some of you are gonna get a big sloppy kiss from this full moon, others might be weepy.)

Cardinal T square that involves Juno (This is stressful, but not monstrously so. Totally workable. Curb the urge for aggro action. Go workout, have more vigorous (responsible) sex, go dancing, do live-band-punk-rock karaoke.)

Venus conjunct Chiron in Pisces, square Saturn in Sadge retro (ouch. Old hurts coming up for release. Self soothe, self-care, get thee to thy therapist. Painful reality checks.)

Mars-Ceres conjunction Taurus (Aggressive caretaking. Keep your eye on this co-dependent bug-a-boo. Co-dependency is a Libra watchword too. Feel free to aggressively self-care…especially your bod.)

Merc retrograde Taurus (re-think luxury purchases and new investments, still checking that Aries energy--aggression, impatience, self-interest. We are going to be so over hitting the brakes by summer).